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    (07) 4348 3807

    We can see metal everywhere because most of the items we have at home are made from it. We live in a world of metal. Our gadgets, utensils, and appliances are mostly made of metal. Just like most things, they get old and useless. But it doesn’t have to go to waste. Metal Recycling gives every metal the chance to live again.

    Need to clear your home of scrap metals? Contact Premier Metals today at (07) 4348 3807 / 8925-85353 to schedule a pick up for all your unwanted items.

    What Makes Metal Recyclable

    Do you know why metal is everywhere? It is because they are versatile. They are used by industries such as manufacturing and construction to create a variety of products like vehicles and buildings. It is an in-demand material because of its durability.

    No matter how many times a metal is sent to the Metal Recycler to be processed, their properties remain intact. This makes metal’s transformation to other products limitless.

    Metal Recycling

    What are the Most Common Types of Recyclable Metals

    Metals can be classified under two categories — ferrous and non-ferrous.

    Ferrous metals are those that contain carbon and iron. Metals like steel and iron alloy are examples under this category.

    On the other hand, aluminum, lead, copper, zinc, and tin are examples of non-ferrous metals. Gold, silver, and platinum, also known as precious metals, fall under this category. However, unlike aluminum and copper, precious metals are hardly ever recycled because they hold value.

    Among all the metals mentioned, the most commonly recycled are aluminum and steel, making them the more accessible metals.

    What is the Process of Metal Recycling

    We at Premier Metals have the proper equipment to make the most out of your scrap metal through an eco-friendly process.

    1. Collecting: After receiving your scraps, we assess all the materials and segregate them into either recyclable or hazardous. After safely disposing of all the unnecessary items, we proceed to sort out the different metals.
    2. Sorting: Our Metal Recycler system involves separating metals from mixed scraps. Different metals yield different products. Through sorting, we can better categorize the metals we have at our disposal and utilize them properly.
    3. Processing: In this step, the segregated metals are then shredded to accelerate the melting process. In doing so, comparatively less energy will be used in the process, ultimately saving time and effort.
    4. Purifying: After the metals are melted, they go through a purification process that ensures the quality of the final product and checks if it is free of contaminants.
    5. Solidifying: They are then left to cool and harden into different shapes to be shipped to different factories for their use.

    Why You Should Recycle Metal

    As one of the exhaustible materials, the production of metal from raw materials can negatively impact the environment.

    Producing them emits carbon dioxide and harmful gasses. By increasing the amount of metal, the total amount of waste also drastically increases. To prevent these, Metal Recycling should be a common practice.

    By selling your scrap metals to us, you not only receive financial incentive, but you also contribute to the preservation nature and the growth of the economy. Take a look at the positive impact of this industry:

    • Preserves natural resources
    • Uses less energy to produce
    • Reduces the production cost
    • Saves money for consumers
    • Creates jobs

    Get a Quote from Premier Metals Today

    Can you imagine the magnitude of possibilities your scrap metal can create? So don’t leave them at home to rust. Contact Premier Metals at (07) 4348 3807 / 8925-85353 to schedule a pick-up for your items. We are more than happy to discuss the details with you.